May 7, 2013

Provo This Past Weekend

I drove to Utah Valley this past weekend to visit my parents. The weather was wonderful and on Saturday, after helping with some yard work, we went up to the Provo River. My parents wanted to walk for a while, and so I decided to fish!

The lower Provo was packed with people on the walking/bike path but no one was on the section of river I chose to fish. I fished in the fast water downstream on Bridal Veil falls -- that's probably why no one else was fishing there! The water was moving!! It's a challenging place to wade; perfect for discouraging other fishers.

I fished for only 1.5 hours, but did OK, especially for not knowing the water. I hooked and released two fish in the first 10 minutes, but thereafter I had to work a little.

I used the Hirame-ML-3909 with a 13 foot #3.5 line. This seemed just about right for this water. Because the water was moving pretty fast I went with a heavy beadhead fly.  I shared the water with some kayakers (that's how fast the water was) and picnickers. A little boy watched me catch a fish and seemed excited to see the little rainbow I pulled in.

It was quick, but fun. I'll have to try the Provo again; maybe I'll even try the more popular sections!

Here is a video of the fish:


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