
June 6, 2014

Tenkara Between the Dentist and Work -- June 4, 2014

I haven't had any product reviews lately, sorry. I will try to do a few coming up soon. In the mean time, I've been fishing whenever I could.

The other day I had a dentist appointment at 0800 and then I had to be on-call at the hospital at noon. I got out of the dentist at 0930 and was on the stream at 0945.

The stream is near my home and runs through private land. I fished it earlier this year with some success. The water is lower now since it is the main source for irrigation for the fields around here. Still, there is enough water for some tenkara.

I took a few fish, one nice but many pretty small.  I was off the water at 1145 and off to work.

Here is a quick video:

1 comment:

  1. That's just certainly cool. Looks like you live such an adventurous life. It's pretty slick how you've managed to sneak in a visit to a dental clinic in there. After all, treks and endeavors are much better if we've got every piece of ourselves in proper state and standing. Keep healthy!

    Haleh Ashkevari @ Brockington Dental Centre


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