
October 26, 2014

Fish Tales

Fisherman are notorious for their poor memories when it comes to recounting the number of fish caught and the size of those fish. In fact, when is comes to fisherman, their stories of the big one that got away, or the number of fish caught are perpetual running jokes.

Although I can't help you keep truthful when it comes to how big that big fish was (although a Measure net might help), I can help you with a way to keep your fish count correct.

A great way to keep track of your catch number is using the Pit River Company Fish Counter. This is a simple, non-electronic number recorder that helps keep track of all those fish your catching. It is simple, it is cheap, it keeps you truthful. They come in four different types of salmonid species: Brown, Rainbow, Brook and Golden Trout. I paired mine with a zinger.

Many fisherman don't care to record how many fish they catch. They may like to say, "it was a good day, I didn't get skunked", or "I caught a few", or "I caught many". That's all good. But some others may feel the need to record the catch. This little devise let's you know when you've really had a 50+ day, not just when you think you've had a 50+ day.

So, if you're a fish counter, consider getting a fish counter. If you don't care how many fish you catch, no worries. Neither way makes you a better or worse tenkara fisher.


  1. I bought one of these after your post showing the counter. It works well. One complaint is that if you go by your number by one, you have to recycle through 99 to get back where you want to be.

  2. Counter works well. I bought one after you showed a picture on one of your posts. One complaint is that if you go by your number by one, you have to recycle all the way thru 99 to get back where you belong,

  3. Or just don't count the next fish...


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