
April 7, 2015

Video Log -- April 6, 2015

I fished two streams yesterday, one mid-sized and the other small. The wind the blowing, making fishing a light level line a pain. So after a while I left the mid-sized stream, which was more open and vulnerable to the wind, and headed for the small stream. The small stream is tucked under trees giving some protection from the wind.

Here is the video of the mid-sized freestone stream. Nothing too exciting, just some browns and a few cutthroats. The small stream had a big surprise, but I'll show you that in an upcoming video.


  1. Hi Tom,
    I am not familiar with the rod you are using. Will you have a review? I would guess you must order it directly from Japan.


    1. It is the Tenryu Tenkara FURAIBO TF39TA. I have a review coming up.


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