
May 24, 2015

A Quick Outing

This weekend I got out with my son to one of the local rivers that is not overly affected by run off. So many of the streams are in full motion right now and unless they are tail waters they are difficult to fish.

My son came home for a hair cut (his mom is the only one he allows to cut his hair) and so we went out to see what we could catch. All this past week we have had thunderstorms but the weather looked like it would be ok to stand in water with a graphite rod.

The water was 84 cfs. The air temperature was good, the sky was overcast, but the wind was constant at 15-20 mph. Because of this I fished with my 3 wt western gear and he used a RIGS floating line on his tenkara rod. I had him use an indicator and a bead head nymph and cast with the wind.

Fishing was slow, but neither of us got skunked. I hooked the first rainbow and then a few cutthroats. He hooked and landed one, but it was a nice fish.

It was fun getting out -- challenging fishing conditions, but fun none the less.

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