
July 9, 2015

Hammock camping and Brook Trout

This past week I went camping for a few days in the canyons near the Tetons. The weather was intermittently cloudy with rain all night long. Because of this, the vegetation was lush and there was no dust in site.

Now days I don't sleep in a tent, but rather, I hammock camp. I like the ability to stay off the ground and I like the compact nature of hammocks.  I'm still working out some details and these little trips are helping me refine what works and what doesn't.

I also had a chance to fish. In fact, this trip I caught the largest brook trout that I have ever caught, to date. Most brook trout I catch are 6-8 inches, but I landed one this trip that was nearly 14 inches. That's not large to the east coast fishers, but here that is a big brookie. I fished with the Tenkara Times Try 360 -- one of my favorite rods.

It was nice to get away, even though it was too short.


  1. Looks like a great trip Tom. Very nice sized Brookies there. I have gotten some that size before but from southern Utah lakes not here in ID. Looks like your getting the hammock rig dialed in. We need to get a hammock and Tenkara tip in. Maybe up there around copper basin like you mentioned earlier in the year. Might be what I do next week.

    Paul@ Arrowhead

    1. I've heard that there are some large brook trout in southern Utah. Let me know how Copper Basin fishes, if you go soon.

  2. Tom, most eastern fly fishers go their whole lives without even seeing a 14" brookie, let alone catching one. 5-8" is pretty standard here, too.

    1. It was a very nice fish. At first I thought it was going to be a rainbow, given its size, but then I could see it was a brookie. I was pretty surprised.

  3. So many funny parallels. I'm in Moab tonight on my way to Lava Hot Springs to a family reunion.I just finished three gathered end table cloth hammocks for the trip and the only thing missing is my shimotsuke Kiyotaki 39 on its easy from japan, lol...

  4. Nice setup, what brand hammock is that I used to have a Hennessey.

  5. I like tenkara fishing in the french alps

  6. Thank's for camping Hammock. Your images is so beautiful. Thank's for tips. it's a very useful post. I just got into camping two years ago and absolutely love it. I stayed at Dinosaur campground for two nights the first week of September last year. My experience could not have been more perfect. I went solo with a tent. This year I would like to try Writing. Thank you.


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