
October 17, 2015

New Waters -- October 16, 2015

I drove south this weekend to attend the funeral of my aunt and on the way I had an opportunity to fish a stream that is new to me.  The canyon was very busy, as it was a weekend off from school for the local kids. But still, I didn't run into any other fly fisher, which is good.

The stream down in the canyon.

The stream had clear water with a good flow. There's no USGS stream gauge on this water so I don't know what the CFS was, but it was very adequate for fishing.

The lower reaches were pocket water and I had to do a lot of rock crawling. Tree branches were an issue in some spots but I never felt that the Daiwa LL36SF was too long.  I caught two rainbows and 8 browns over 45 minutes in this section.

The first brown, resting on some moss.

Small but fun.

The upper reach has less gradient and in spots was more open. I could have used a longer rod but ironically it was here that I lost my flies, two of them, to tree branches. I caught all browns here. The largest was 11 inches.

I used three different flies: two wool-bodied kebari and one attractor nymph. I only changed flies when I lost one to the trees (this is my usual practice).

The weather was beautiful and although the autumn leaves are all but gone it was a wonderful two hours on the water. I'll be back sometime for sure!


  1. Very nice water, I would plan to return as well.

  2. Sorry about your aunt. Great time of year to fish. Nice and quiet out there.


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