
November 2, 2015

New Page -- Used Items for Sale

I've added a new page on Teton Tenkara. It's called "Used Items for Sale".  These are items that I have accrued over the last year or so to either use or review.  But because I'm a creature of habit I only use certain items when I fish, therefore these items go unused. That seems a shame.

So I've decided to pass them on. It's better that someone use them than letting them sit in one of my drawers.

Here's the deal, if I received them free, you get them free. You just cover the cost of mailing them to you. If I bought them, then I'll charge an amount less than what I payed for them; shipping is included. CONUS only; sorry, no international shipping. Fair enough?

To see these items look for the page tab at the top of the blog and click on "Used Items for Sale". When I put a new item on this page I'll update the blog so you know.

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