November 14, 2013

Tenkara in November.

The snows are getting ready to come. At least I hope they will be coming. The landscape is brown. The air is cold in the morning and nice by mid-day. It is November. I don't know how it is in your neck of the woods, but November fishing for me is hard.

It seems to me that trout are not that active in November. The browns are done spawning. The rainbows and cutthroats are restless and hard to find. The brook trout -- who cares, they're brook trout. It seems that they are all uneasy about the seasonal transition. Waters levels are low, but at least the water temperatures are cold and safe. I have looked back at my fishing log covering the past many years at my fish counts for November are consistently the lowest of every month. They are even lower than the spring months when it's crazy to fish for all the high water!!

I hit a local stream the other day. The beaver have been busy. I went to a reach of the stream that I fished just this past June and yet when I got there it was all under water! That blasted little beaver had dammed it! In retrospect I suppose I shouldn't be too upset. The beaver do keep things interesting around here, and in a few year years, when we do actually get a high water year, many of the dams will be washed away and the streams will be restored. I must have patience.

I fished the beaver pond and picked up a nice brown. Upstream I took a few small cutthroats, but the water is low and it was hard to find fish. It had to be the fish, right? It surely couldn't have been me!?

Still, it was a better day than being at work. I'm really not complaining, just prosing.

Here's a video of the outing. Two rods, one fly, some fish.

As a point of announcement, in the new few weeks I'll be featuring reviews on more gear, flies and stuff. I'll also be posting a review of a couple new rods that I find exciting and maybe potential "game changers" for some of you. So stay tuned. Good things are coming.


  1. Tom, love your strream sounds and music, and captions instead of voice comments, format. I follow your blog religiously but seldom comment, and suspect others do the same, so you should never think people are not following even if there are no or few comments.

    In fact the only reason I am commenting this time is because I wonder if you have found the best gloves ever. I have tried various full and partial fingered wool, fleece/poly and neoprene ones and hated them all. All were a little clumsy but mainly weren't warm. I see you have some Cabelas something or others there.

    1. Thanks John. I appreciate the encouragement.

      These gloves are Cabelas new Guidewear. They're OK but not perfect. I have almost come to the conclusion that there is not perfect glove!

  2. Hi Tom,

    Being located in central Indiana, I must drive seven hours south(TN) or north(MI) to fish small streams for trout.
    It is great to be able to get a quick "fix" by watching your videos. Thanks. I find it interesting that different regions hold different species of fish in high or low regard. In the east, especially southern Appalachia, brook trout are highly prized. Fly fishers hike in to remote creeks to catch 6 inch brookies. It is readily apparent that you find your native cutthroat the most desired catch. If forced to choose a preference, I would choose brown trout. That may be because most browns I catch seem to be wild fish. It is more common for state fisheries departments in my part of the country to stock rainbows. I would say that most fisherman are partial to the native fish found in their area of the country. Thanks again for the great website.


    1. Thanks Shawn. I think you're right about regional fish. I'd love to go back east and catch a wild, native brookie in their native waters. Maybe some day. I give them some verbal abuse, but they can be pretty fun, even here in the west.

  3. Yes, it's the fish Tom. You were actually lucky to find a beaver dam where there was some water left. Our beaver dams here don't get washed out, as the rascals always choose a low gradient stream to build their homes. Occasionally the conservation dept. or the local public works will resort to dynamite, but if left unchecked the fishing declines over time, unless you prefer chubs. We have luckily had rains to keep the flows freshened, but have had plenty of years of drought so I know what you mean. I usually just let the little guys alone until things get back to normal. Good luck, keep the faith.

  4. Wow, that dam is 3 or 4 times as big now! I should have got up there before the 15th and the snow. Nice video, I enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing!


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