February 20, 2022

Rest In Peace, Dear Friend.

 It is with sadness that I announce that Alan Petrucci (aka, Brk Trt), author of the blog Small Stream Reflections has died. Alan was a master at both fly fishing and blogging. He was the most prolific of bloggers, and always shared his love of brook trout streams with joy and happiness. 

Alan was a friend, although I never met him in person. It is one of the blessings of the internet, that we can make and keep friends that live so far away. I always looked forward to Alan's posts of beautiful Connecticut creeks, the brook trout he caught, and the delicious snacks that he had. 

One of the last brook trout that Alan caught. Thank you for sharing, Alan. 

God bless you dear friend, and may your family have peace at this sad time. We will miss you.


  1. I also only knew Alan through his Blog and by email. I'll have those memories plus his book.

  2. I had never seen that video. Wonderful to see the maestro at work! Alan will be missed greatly.

  3. Life is precious, thanks for letting us know. Condolences to his family and friends.

  4. Sad news, always looked forward to reading his blog.
